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Baked Almonds - Masala 500g at 735 (worth 980)  Code : MASALA30

Baked Almonds - Masala 500g at 735 (worth 980) Code : MASALA30

/ 5 0 Ratings
Saturday, September 16,2023 12:26 PM

Introducing True Elements: Baked Almonds - Masala 500g, the perfect blend of taste and nutrition that will elevate your snacking experience like never before. At an incredible price of just 735 (original price 980), you can savor the rich flavors and health benefits of these delectable masala almonds. Plus, here's a secret code for even more savings: MASALA30.

**Unleash the Flavor Explosion:**
True Elements takes the humble almond and transforms it into a mouthwatering delight. These masala almonds are a symphony of spices and nutrition. Each almond is carefully selected, coated with an irresistible masala mix, and then baked to perfection. The result? A crunchy, flavorful snack that will have your taste buds dancing with joy.

**Nutrition Boost:**
While these masala almonds are a treat for your taste buds, they also pack a powerful nutritional punch. Almonds are a fantastic source of healthy fats, protein, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals. With True Elements, you can snack guilt-free, knowing you're nourishing your body with every bite.

**Versatile Snacking:**
True Elements: Baked Almonds - Masala 500g are not just a snack; they are a versatile ingredient that can be used in various culinary creations. Sprinkle them over salads for a delightful crunch, add them to your favorite dishes for an exotic twist, or simply enjoy them on their own as a guilt-free snack.

**Special Offer:**
For a limited time, you can grab this 500g pack of True Elements: Baked Almonds - Masala at the exclusive price of 735, down from its original price of 980. That's an incredible discount you won't find anywhere else. But wait, there's more! Use the code MASALA30 during checkout, and you'll save an extra 30% on your purchase.

**Don't Miss Out:**
This offer won't last forever. True Elements: Baked Almonds - Masala 500g at 735 (worth 980) is a steal you don't want to miss. Stock up on these delicious masala almonds and elevate your snacking game today.

Remember, great taste meets great value with True Elements. Order now and use code MASALA30 to enjoy a taste explosion without breaking the bank.